Part of my job as a trainer is to help my clients believe in the possibilities – It’s possible to get stronger, it’s possible to get better at those push-ups, it’s possible to jump rope, even if the last time you did was when you were 10 years old, it’s’s’s possible! Maybe it’s because my clients know my journey up to this point and they see that I have overcome certain challenges or maybe it my training style not quite sure but I try and impress on my clients not to give too much power to “impossible”. Funny though when it comes to myself, personally, sometime I do exactly that...give way too much power to “impossible” My inside voice shouts loudly what I cannot, will not or am too scared to do - I then obsess on how I would even possibly achieve “it” - my goal then seems unrealistic, unattainable or unwieldy and then slowly this goal seems more and more distant and...IMPOSSIBLE! True story!
These past few months though I have decided to shut that voice down. I began to look back at some of the things that I have done and you know what??? Some of the things I’ve done or tried to do but resulted in something else are pretty fabulous. So I decided along with the people who I admire and inspire me I am gonna be my own inspiration. Look within and see that “ is possible” and believe in that possibility so damn deeply that I have no choice but to move forward toward “it” feeling strong, positive and able. I know that there may be obstacles and my confidence will be tested (within and without) but my faith will galvanize me and create an even stronger thread of belief which will be the driving force behind me attaining any and every one of my goal. I am so ready!!!
Oh...I'm also so damn proud of my ALL my friends. They ALL have so many great ideas and seeing them brings those ideas to life is so inspiring. My friend Breece Wilson just launched her first episode of "Who's That Lady" - street interviews featuring extraordinary everyday women and...I just so happen to be her first interview. So honored and so damn proud of her!!! Be on the look out for more episodes celebrating your everyday woman.