JEFFREY MONFLEURY / Personal Trainer / @jjmtraining
First off I always like to thank everyone for taking the time out to come and let me train them - I knowyour schedule is busy so the fact that you took an hour out to let me share with you what I love doing is so appreciated!!!
I had the pleasure last month to train another male trainer so I am going to ask you a few of the same questions to start.
You mentioned having been on the reformer a few years ago and I know that I mix a lot of athletic conditioning in with some traditional Pilates moves but did you have any preconceived notion about our Pilates session?
I come from mainly a weightlifting and running background. I always knew that Pilates especially on a reformer could be a challenge but, not what I expected from this workout with you. It was extremely challenging. I was sweating within the first few minutes and that was just the warmup. I always thought of it as easier than most workouts. Was I wrong lol.
Why do you think that some men are intimidated or just flat out not interested in Pilates?
Personally I wasn’t intimidated but I think men flat out are not interested because they affiliate Pilates as a thing women do to stay fit. Therefore not thinking of it as challenging.
After our session can you see how men could benefit from Pilates? and how it could actually compliment other workouts they might do?
After this Pilates workout, I totally see how it could help compliment and supplement a workout that most men do especially helping with flexibility and strengthening their core.
I first met you while you were atrainer at Crunch and then bumped into you at another gym and now you are doing your on thing (Congrats!). What’s next? Do you have goals set for yourself as far as being a personal trainer goes?
Thank you!!! Now that I’m training on my own, it has definitely opened my eyes to different lanes I can take in and outside of the fitness industry. Right now I’m focusing on building my business into a brand. Fitness is a lifestyle and with it being that I want to take it to another level.
I think one of the most challenging things about training people is keeping them motivated. A challenge that I always welcome because I think it helps me grow as a trainer - any truth in that for you? Also how do you keep your clients motivated?
Motivation is sucha major factor in training clients. I run across so many different personalities and people from all walks of life. For some of them, the thing that motivates them is just a better quality of life. Honestly though setting goals with my clients and achieving those goals are definitely motivating.
I love your running post on Instagram - so inspirational! I’ve also had the pleasure of randomly bumping into you several times while you are either in the midst of your run or completing a run. Rapid fire question time.
Running is better alone or with someone?
I prefer to run alone personally because it gives me time to just think and also clear my head. I don’t have to worry about people keeping up with me or rushing to keep up with anyone. I can go at my own pace
Morning Run or evening run?
Night runs
What song lyric best represents your mentality while running?
Jay-Z - Breathe Easy (Lyrical Exercise) - “I’m far from being God, but I work God Damn hard!!”
Favorite place to run?
My favorite place to run is along the West Side Highway
Average running distance?
6 miles
Have you ever experienced “the runner’s high”?
Pet peeve while running?
People in my way
Mid run I usually feel...?
Midway through a run I feel GREAT!!!
Go to meal after a run?
I usually have a protein shake and coconut water after a run
Overall running makes you feel?
Overall running makes me feel alive when I’m done.
And last question - I resolve to move by...by consistently spreading the gospel of fitness.