“So what are your goals?” my trainer Mark asked on our first session. My legs have always been my thing. I know that they are fine but...I don’t want just fine. I want better than fine. In my mind they don’t match my upper body so...that was my answer. He weighed me and then did my body fat test (12-site skinfold test). When he got to my legs I said “oh boy here we go” - he said “here we go what?” - I said “this is where most of the fat is.” - he said “I doubt it”. Calipers go for the quads first and then I see his eyes go up - see! I told you. Body fat was a lot lower than it has EVER been as a whole but a majority of the fat was where? In my legs. I signed up for 10 sessions and I was ready - in hopes that in 5 weeks I would see a difference. So, a little more than 5 weeks has passed and I am at my 10th session and I ask if we can check in again to see where I am at. For some reason I felt like my body fat may have gone up - I definitely changed my eating but I fell off course a couple of times and...I love beer and...may have indulged a little more than I usually do. He weighs me and I am 6lbs heavier than I was when we began - ok...I’m okay with that. My weight often bounces around. Just as long as it doesn’t go over 115 we are cool. Then the calipers come out. He test the same 12 spots - retest a few areas and then picks up the computer and sits down. “So this is kinda odd but...” Thats not a good beginning. Turns out that I went down in perecntage in a few spots but the percentage of fat in my legs (quads and hamstrings) went up. Uggghhhhhh! I tried to keep neutral face and not show any disappointment but...I was disappointed. He was quick to point out though that overall my body fat had gone down a little and although I had gained 6lbs it showed that it was most likely muscle. He also pointed out that my performance from the beginning to now had improved so much. I heard that and of course all the other things over shadowed “my performance” - my performance - big deal! But on the train ride home I thought about it all again and you know what? He was right these legs (more fat and all) had done some pretty powerful things over those weeks. I came to him and the most that I had ever squatted was possibly 55lbs and after 5+ weeks I was sqautting 130lbs - thats huge! I’ve had an issue with the depth of my squats because I have burrsitis in my left hip - I can still improve more on my depth but it was way better ever! I wish I asked how much I have been dead lifting but I know that it is not a weight I have EVER done before. My joints (namely my knees) weren’t bothering me as much why because my legs (quads and hams) were way stronger (support baby!). The strength that I have also gained has helped me perform a little better in all the classes I love taking. I’m not 100% percent ok with my weight gain and body fat results but I think thats ok because now I have something more to work on - I love goals. But the performance part - I am proud and I am grateful for these legs of mine! I’m signing up for another 10 sessions and you best believe that I am gonna get it right this time.
- Vastus Intermedius, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis and Rectus Femoris
- The primary function of the quadriceps is to extend the knee. The rectus femoris muscle also participates in knee movement but it also acts as a hip flexor because it crosses the hip joint. The quadriceps are involved in almost every movement of your legs. Your quads work in conjunction with other leg muscles, such as the hamstrings, to promote effective movement.
- Bicep Femoris, Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus
- The primary function of the hamstrings is knee flexion and hip extension and hyper-extension. The hamstrings also have major roles in forward propulsion and transferring power between hip and knee joints
“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.” —Winston Churchill