I don’t profess to know everyting so I still consider myself a work in progress - continually growing, always learning and always striving to be just a little better. So, I am open to learning from other - especially when it comes to me training people. I don’t take this as a sign of weakness at all because this openess is what allows me to continue to grow, learn and be a better me. I am so grateful that I am in a space, Studio 26, where I am surrounded by so many professional people who I can observe and ask questions without being judged for not knowing. I am also grateful that I am allowed to be 100% myself in this space. I’m not gonna lie at first I was a little nervous being there mainly because of my style but never not a once has anyone in the space swayed me to be anyone other than Denise. I am also grateful to my clients. They all have different wants and needs and I learn from them both directly (by asking questions) and indirectly (by obeserving how they move or how they respond to certain exercies). I have a client who has Rheumatoid Arthritis. When she has flares they sometimes last weeks or months (usually not that long but...). So even though I may plan a workout for her she could come in not feeling a 100% and I will need to change things up. This keeps me on my toes and in turn I am learning - to be more flexible, to be more sensitive to peoples needs and to be more informed. So for all of this I give thanks!!!
“I learn from all around me and grow wiser, richer and happier every day” - Chellie Campbell