I love playing the gratitude game. Try to do it everyday - sometimes I don’t but for the most part I do. I find that it helps me open my heart, put things into perspective, get unstuck, be more positive, and much more.
As I type this I can hear my friend telling “Booty is a good thing”. Growing up though that was not the attitude I had. By no means was my butt out of control huge but for my size it wasn’t in proportion - at all. In ballet class I was constantly told “tuck it!” - huh? Or once in college I had just gotten my first pair of designer jeans (Guess - aww yeah!) and overheard a group of guys I walked by say “Her face ain’t cute but damn look at that ass”. They were obviously jackasses and maybe they meant “damn her ass looks good” but the brand new jeans were put up and I only wore baggy jeans from there on out. It wasn’t until I started working out that I realized that I needed to ditch the self-bashing attitude. Booty is a good thing. And nothing was wrong with mine. I needed to stop holding on to stuff (screw those guys back in college). It may not be the tightest of asses but...I am good with it and ummm yeah now you can’t get me out of slim cut or skinny jeans. So I gave thanks to my ass - yup ! Gluteus Maximus, Medius, Minimus - all 3 lobes - THANK YOU!!!
1. The three muscles function to produce hip extension, hip hyperextension, hip transverse abduction, hip abduction, and hip external rotation - so basically important in movement overall
2. They are responsible for accelerating, decelerating, changing directions and creating explosive power in jumps.
3. Strong glutes can decrease your risk for injury in the knees, lower back, hamstrings and groin.
4.Strong glutes support the back. When your glutes aren’t activating properly, your psoas muscle takes over. An overstressed psoas can potentially cause back pain and compression in the lower lumbar vertebrae of the spine.
Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.
- A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh