ADRIAN/Personal Trainer
After spending the hour with you, you seem pretty open to trying and doing new things. Did you have any preconceived notions about Pilates?
I think the only preconceived notions I had about Pilates was me not being able to perform the movements. I have a mild hernia so I have to make sure I am careful with my core at all times. After a session with you I know now that it’s something I should continue doing more often to strengthen it!
Pilates was not only created by a man, but originally a form of exercise intended for men as well. Joseph Pilates practiced his own method and trained many males - he worked with German soldiers and helped many of them recover and rehabilitate from injuries. Not that you can speak for all men but given that info why do you think some men aren’t interested or intimidated by Pilates?
I think there is this idea that Pilates is only for women, therefore emasculating in some way. I love lifting, and being strong! But nothing is more important than a strong core. It gives you an edge on lifts, balance, agility etc.
After having had tried Pilates can you now see how men can benefit from it?
Definitely! Ignoring the core benefits, the stretch and hip flexibility you get from it alone are well worth it.
I went thru your Instagram and you seem like you could basically workout anywhere (and anytime too). So...outdoors vs. indoors? If you can’t choose or it doesn’t matter to you tell me what you like about both.
I love training indoors only because that’s usually where the weights are, haha. Being outdoors is freeing in a sense. There are so many ways you can push your body to fatigue without any workout equipment.
OUTDOORS - I have a feeling you are gonna say you wouldn’t need anything but...if I had a bag of fitness goodies (bands, jump rope, etc) what 3 - 5 things would you choose that would help deliver a top notch workout?
Weight vest, cones, resistance bands, gliders.
OUTDOORS - no equipment but there is a hill, tree, stairs and benches all within the vicinity - hit it! 3 - 5 exercises that would help deliver the same banging ass work out you would get if you had equipment.
Lunges of course...Bear crawls, jump squats, walk outs.
VACATION - what to do? forsake the working out? You’re on vacay after all so a lil break won’t kill you. Or...call ahead and find out about gym in hotel, investigate nearby classes, hotel room workout or go for a run? Something, anything because working out is just that important to you.
I definitely like to know if there is a gym close by when going on a long vacation. If it is just a week i try and give my body some rest. I go pretty hard as far as fitness goes. The best way to remain strong and injury free is to give your body time to recover.
I love the two hashtags you have on your Instagram - #alwayslearning and #alwaysgrowing. Stagnancy truly scares me - I would never want to float thru life thinking that what I already know is enough. Some of my greatest moments revolve around learning something new - whether its something big or small, good or bad. I think that is why I like doing these Q/A’s - I get to meet new people and I ALWAYS get a lil nugget from our chats. What was the last great bit of info that you learned that somehow helped you grow?
Fitness is constantly changing and evolving in so many ways. The best advice I have received is to always do your own research. Our bodies are so different, so what may apply and work for you, doesn’t for me.
Guilty pleasures - I have no shame at all - food wise beer and french fries (or a bag of ANY flavor of Kettle Chips) are my guilty pleasure. I wanna know some of yours - spill it!
Beer is number one! I don’t think i could ever give it up, haha. Donut Plant is basically heaven for me.
I could go on and on but...last question
What moves you?
I’m a trainer so helping people change their bodies and become more confident or comfortable means a great deal to me. I think we should all be proud of the bodies we walk in everyday.