Workout Corner
WORKOUTS I LOVED THIS MONTH Workout Corner this month is kinda bare because I injured myself - tore my medial meniscus. Staying active is such a big part of my life so this was and still is really tough. No classes for me - for a while - that was a hard one to swallow. I have access to one of the most beautiful workout facilities though that hapens to have some of the best physical therapist on site so...why not take advantage of that - duh Denise! I met with one of the physical therapist and each week (I'm on week 4 now) he gives me a new exercise to help strenthen my quads and hamstrings and he was quick to remind me that my body didn’t just consist of my lower half - I had an upper half too that I could still continue to workout like I always have been.
- Banded Squats - 15 reps - Tie ends of band together to form a loop. Attach band to a stable surface and then slip around my injured leg (behind knee). Squat making sure to keep pelvis in a neutral position and then extend thru legs making sure to really engage the quads (and glutes obviously but focus on quads).
- Banded Hamsting Curl - 15 reps each leg - Tie ends of band to form loop. Step on inside of loop with right foot and slide left foot into loop. Place both hands onto wall. Make sure pelvis stays neutral and both knees stay in line with one another as you draw heel towards glutes. Slow count up and slow count down
- Plank with a glute lift (band is optional) - 10 reps - Use same band used for Banded Hamstring curl - place band around ankles. Get into forearm plank position - nice long line from head to heels. Alternate lifting one leg at a time - start with non-injured leg first. Then lower hips to the floor and lift back up to plank position.
- Bicep curls - 15 reps
- Unilateral Reverse Flys - 15 reps
- Row with a Tricep Extension - 15 reps
- Chest Press with Barbell -15 reps
- Ball Slams - 40 sec
- Pialtes Roll Up