Workout Corner
Like I said in my Splurge section I’ve been on a budget but I ALWAYS make sure that working out is a part of my budget. Working out is such a big part of my life - not only because of what I do but also just for my well being. Here are three classes that I tried:
305 Fitness
Location: 18 West 8th Street
Location Perks: Liquteria (favorite), train fairly close, C.O. Bigelow around the corner (has nothing to do with anything but I love that store).
Amenities: Nice size changing room with lockers and showers. The whole design of the facility was really fun .
Cost: $32/class - offered a new client 2 for 1 special and have packages.
I have friends who have tried the class before and I got mixed reviews so I was excited to see for myself what the class was all about. I decided I would take a friend with me - we went on ((305)) Arms day. As I mentioned above the decor of the studio was really fun and the facility was extremely clean - to a good start. Get down to the classroom and you quickly get the jist that most of the students know one another - everyone is chatting. Then the teacher bounces in and he starts in with them too so...this is a class full of regulars. He gives a quick overview of the class and then the DJ starts playing the music. I am instantly taken back to the 90’s and my days in LA teaching a Hi/Lo class at Sports Connection in Santa Monica. We played follow the leader as our instructor bounced around the WHOLE ENTIRE room to a bunch of fun 80’s, 90’s and current music. From time to time you would hear a loud scream from random parts of the room - one of the regulars full on enjoying themselves. We danced around for what seemed like 35 min and then we got to the arm portion of the class which...ummmm...was all of 5 min long and was ...I don’t know how to say this - I guess after reading the description on their website (The same ((305)) goodness with a burst of intensity for the upper half of your body. This calorie-torching class features a short toning section that sculpts muscles of the arms like the deltoids, biceps, triceps, and lats. Think: tight, toned arms like a ballerina’s.) I just expected a LOT more. After our “arm section” we danced for a bit more and then we did a cool down. I’m not gonna lie I had a smile on my face the whole time (my friend...not so much) because it was just so nostalgic for me and I sweated quite a bit but was this the workout for me? Would I do it on a regular basis? I don’t think so but...I tried it. My friend and I had a conversation after and she said she found it very corny - ok it was a bit corny but what I thought was really nice was it wasn’t intimadating in any way and you could be yourself and let loose - those things will keep people who are new to fitness, people are self conscious or easily intimadated coming back so...kudos! The people in this class have definitely found their fitness home.
Shadowbox NYC
Location: 28 W 20Th Street
Location Perks: Close enough to Union Sq - yay! A few train options
Amenities: Cafe inside (what?), Lockers, showers, C.O. Bigelow products in the bathroom (yay!), facility design really cool!
Cost: $34/class and have packages.
Okay so you walk into this place and aesthetics wise it is on point! I always appreciate the thought (the decor) put into a place - not that its super important but I think its says a lot about a place. There are gloves hanging behind the reception area, there is a cafe to the side of the reception area and then next to that there is a vintage boxing ring. I was running late (as per usual) but the receptionist let me know I could slow things down a bit because class hadn’t started just yet. I was given my gear and then off to the dressing room I go - beautiful as well and there are C.O. Bigelow products by the sink. Run into class - lights are dimmed and I am surrounded by tons of bags - find my number and try and figure out the whole wrap thing. Once me and everyone else is all wrapped up music is turned on and the next 45 min was almost a blur. We were first taught Boxing 101 (jab, cross, hook and upper cut). Then the instructor gave us a combo which was followed by body weight exercises and then a combo and then...after about 4 or 5 rounds of this we put on our gloves and now we have combos on the bag and AGAIN body weight exercises are incorporated in between each combo. Between the instructor, the music and hitting the bag yo...hyped!!! Towards the end she says that we are gonna freestyle - whatever combos we wanna do we basically now unleash it all onto the bag. There is no way you couldn’t tell me that I wasn’t a boxer and that I wasn’t in my element - for those 2 - 3 min I was transformed into I don’t know what was awesome. I don’t know why but I totally didn’t think that I was gonna sweat as much as I did or love the class as much as I did. I walked out feeling strong, clear (because I sweated my ass off) and just so energized. I literally went home and signed up for another class. Oh and both instructors I took were women - Jaws and Brittany - these two women...bad ass!!!
Location: 336 W13th Street
Amenities: Lockers, changing room (product, products, products!), showers (products, products, products!), sell cute ass workout gear, design of the facility very chic and funky!
Cost: $35/class - offered a new client 2 for 1 special and have packages.
I decided to check this spot out because my friends Joe Buffa (I used to take his class when he taught at Barry’s) and Geneva Simms (I've taken Tone House classes with her a few times) both announced on Instgram that they were going to be teaching here and I love suporting friends and also checking out new spots. Again I walk in and the first thing I notice is how nice the studio is - like I said about Shadowbox I think this as well as the actual classes say a lot about a place. I jet into the changing room to put on my shorts and its just as nice as the reception area and there are products galore - you know I wanted to try everything right then and there but...focus Denise. My first class with Joe ended up being just me and the owner - which is nice but it also isn’t - it means no slacking off - it means Joe was gonna be on our ass - big time! And you best believe he was. Class started with a warm-up - 1st static stretches - stretches that we actually held for 30 sec (if not more) - we then moved into more dynamic stretches. Body felt full on warmed up and class began. Class consisted of a series of timed intervals. Moves that weren’t very complicated but were most definitely challenging, kept us moving and that all challenged our core to the max. We used kettlebells, TRX, ankle weights and bands. At one point we did hi-knee runs while holding a kettlebell - forward hi-knee run to the mirror and backward hi-knee run back to the wall. Seems and sounds like it should be oh so simple but...nope! Abs on burn! After what seemed like forever (but in a good way) we cooled down - we finished the way we started. Like I said I have taken Joe’s classes before when he taught at Barry’s but this was different - he seemed like he was more in his element and class was flawless. I love when good things happen to good people and he’s good people! After class I needed to jet out but the owner highly suggested I get into the changing room and take a shower and take advantage of the products - she twisted my arm - so glad that I decided to stay. Products were lovely but (and I hope this isn’t too much info but...) the shower itself - what? I step in onto a wooded platform mat, turn water on (pressure FABULOUS!), reach down for the body wash (smelled YUMMY!) and begin to lather up. To left side of me is the white tiled wall and then I turn to my right and...who is that staring back at me? Its me and you know how some mirrors just do you justice? This was one of them. And I know it wasn’t just me because one of the cleaning attendants said to me - “made you almsot wanna take a slefie right?” I looked good. Good workout and then that? I put on my clothes and walked out with a smile - truth!