The other night I went out with a friend who brought along two other friends that I’ve never met before. We sat down and ordered drinks first; there was a minor mix-up with the drink order and one of the women who was new to me started in on the waitress. Everything was rectified but this led to a huge complaining fest. First it was about the drink order mess up, then about the service, then about the waitress and since she was on a roll that led to her job, the fact she wasn’t making enough money. I stopped listening and began drinking (more) and playing the gratitude game in my head.
Usually as I wake up in the morning, before I get out of the bed I try to play the gratitude game.
Give Thanks!
Some mornings I forget but then will try to do it while on the train going to work, during my lunch break or when I go to sleep.
At all times Give Thanks!
I try not to reserve it only for momentous occasions but even simple things or while going through hard times (this dinner with that woman might just qualify).
In everything Give Thanks!
I believe that expressing gratitude helps me see and think about things differently, helps me put things into perspective and helps me get unstuck in a sense. Don’t get me wrong I do my fair share of complaining at times (I’m human) but from playing the gratitude game I am usually able to catch myself and...I dunno...I find it hard to stay in that space and I am so grateful for that!!! So whether it’s just Thanksgiving or all year round I think the gratitude game is something all of us should try to play.
11/30 7am
I am thankful for so much but here are a few things I gave thanks for this morning:
- thank you for all the blessings bestowed upon me and for all the blessings to come.
- thank you for protecting where you direct and providing where you guide
- thank you for choosing me and granting me such a full life - filled with so many great people and wonderful opportunities
- thank you for my lil Rabie (my momma)
- thank you for my health
- thank you for the roof over my head - oh and thanks for the kick ass heat this year
- thank you for the food which nourishes my body
- thank you for the continuous flow of freelance work and thank you in advance for future work
- thank you for the clients that I currently have and thank you advance for my future clients
- thank you for my body that enables me to power thru so much
- thank you in advance for helping me attain my fitness goals - Kali is gonna help me get those legs - awww yeah!
- thanks for the day to come - brand new day - brand new Denise - thanks for all the awesomeness coming my way!!!
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. -Melody Beattie